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About: About

Our Charity - Kibet4Kids Foundation

During Kenya Camp, you will also visit one of the primary schools that were built by the charity Kibet4Kids and donated to the community where they provide free education to hundreds of children. Feel free to take some school supplies with you, if you would like. Below some more information about Kibet4Kids.

Headcoach Hugo van den Broek and his wife Hilda Kibet started Kibet4Kids foundation after the 2012 Olympics. Their mission is to ensure that children from impoverished areas have access to high quality, free, public services, such as education and healthcare. Kibet4Kids does this by:


​School projects

  • Building public primary schools in areas with lack of schools, so that more children are able to receive primary education.

  • Building extra classrooms for existing schools, reducing the number of pupils per classroom

  • Improving facilities in existing schools, such as delivering desks, computers and other stationary, renovating classrooms, building a library, building better latrines and employing extra teachers. The goal is to create a pleasant, stimulating and conducive learning environment, so that pupils from all backgrounds are provided with the opportunity to succeed.


​Health care projects

  • Improving existing public medical facilities in rural areas, so that more people will be able to use specialized health care and more children can be treated for mild disorders, such as diarrhoea.


​Individual support projects

  • Sponsoring students who show dedication and prowess in their primary school studies but are not able to pay for high-school education fees.​​

Kamokos Primary school
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